We are pleased to recommend a proven weight loss program called Get Well 3. The reason for the “3” in the name is that the three components are: Hormones, Wellness, Weight Loss. Dr. Warren Willey,... Continue reading
A few years ago our son persuaded me to participate with him in a sprint triathlon…thankfully it was a “sprint”and not the ironman! The event involved swimming four hundred meters in an indoor pool, biking... Continue reading
So my example of establishing a reference range of normal was a little corny (I don’t mean corns on toes from ill-fitting shoes!), but you get the point, I’m sure. Many blood test results have... Continue reading
Yes, I personally chose to utilize Bio-Identical hormone replacement therapy and with that choice I avoided the potential risks of synthetic hormones as previously discussed in an earlier blog post. Yet, just using bio-identical hormones... Continue reading
So why are many physicians negative about hormones? The vast majority of physicians are conscientious and truly desire to help their patients and strive to do what is in the patients’ best interest. With the rapidity... Continue reading
Why should I use bio-identical hormone? The best answer is because they “do your body good”. What in the world does that mean? As both men and women age (grow older, for us non politically... Continue reading
So what is the difference? In our last post we noted that many foods have been genetically modified, but unanticipated, negative effects of these products in the human body have caused many health conscious people... Continue reading
A quick visit to your local grocery store confirms the American public reads labels on the boxes and cans of food purchased for consumption. In bold letters, many products proudly display that no genetically modified organism... Continue reading