Pelleting has really made an impact on my life on many levels. I didn’t realize how “foggy” I was until the fog lifted. My mental clarity is remarkably sharper. I have had severe fibromyalgia for years and have been on a daily dose of 660mg of naproxen in the morning and up to 30mg of flexaril at bedtime. I am currently at 8 weeks post pelleting & I have had far less daily discomfort and I am gradually decreasing my naproxen to 440 mg and 20mg of flexaril and hoping to continue to decrease Rx’s I had heard that after pelleting some described it as being in your 20’s without having to worry about getting pregnant…I had forgotten what being in my twenties was like, but I agree that is a great way to describe the changes to my libido. I no longer have the discomfort I have had for many years during intercourse. My husband and I are both enjoying the benefits of having this therapy!
After having the benefits of this procedure, it is hard to imagine not continuing with the therapy! Thank you Dr. Bryant for your care and council before and after this life altering therapy. I can recommend this without reservation to anyone who does not want to feel their age!