Wow! Another couple just left after receiving another course of therapy. So happy are this husband and wife with the results of optimized hormones that they drove nearly six hours to Nashville, spent the night, and have now gotten in their car to journey home. Yes, I said 6 hours, not 60 minutes.
Prior to having their hormones optimized this couple thought that the way they felt was the best they could expect to feel, now that they are in their 60’s: tired, mental fog, chronic pain, decreasing muscle strength, and decreasing sexual energy and function.
Well, isn’t that just the way life is supposed to be? Isn’t it just “natural” to have those problems as one gets older?
It is the way life becomes all too soon, but it doesn’t have to be. Having heard of the benefit of optimized BIO-IDENTICAL hormones (BHRT), this couple wanted to “see if it would help”. Now they are “regulars” as the benefit of increased energy, strength and stamina, the decrease in use of prescription medicines, the mental clarity, and the renewed enjoyment of intimacy make the visit to Restore worth the drive.
It gives us great joy to see people enjoying life and each other again, experiencing all that God has for them – it’s natural!