After more than three decades of practicing medicine, my only regret is that I did not know then what I know now.
That can be said of many people in any field of work, but the information I now know about WELLNESS is not something just discovered by medical science, rather it is information I was never encouraged or challenged to pursue. With the busyness of life and a medical practice, I relied on such entities as continuing education courses and my specialty board certification annual requirements to advise me of what was important to know for providing the best care I could possibly deliver to my patients. The information was always valuable, but unfortunately incomplete.
As the end of my third decade of practice neared, I began to have a sense of frustration that my patients were not living lives of vitality, in spite of having “normal, appropriate for age” lab results. I guess I finally came to that conclusion because neither was I(!) and my labs were similar. This or that symptom, this or that health change, were just the consequence of “getting older”. First, years prior I had to get glasses for reading and performing surgery, next I no longer needed to carry a comb! My energy for doing yard chores and landscaping, work that I had always previously enjoyed, was now barely keeping up. The recliner was becoming preferred over the lawn mower and shovel! What I longed for, and my patients, too, was to be restored to vitality that not only gave me energy, but also made me healthier in spite of growing older.
Consequently, I began pursuing health care, no longer content to learn the latest on illness care. My pursuit led me to…